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Corona Virus (Wuhan) and the Chinese Hypocrisy:

Paper No. 6687                    Dated 25-Sep-2020
By Dr. S. Chandrasekharan
On 23rd September,Xi Jinping  spoke at the United National General Assembly (virtual) meeting. His speech mostly covered the Covid 19 Virus and how China is actively involved with the international fight against Covid 19 and how China has contributed its share for upholding global public health security.
Having unleashed the Corona Virus from Wuhan, Xi was playing the role of a “victim.”  He said that China will continue in sharing their epidemic control practices as well as diagnostic and therapeutics with other countries and actively “participate in the global research on tracing the source and transmission routes of the Virus.”
What we need to know from China is not to learn control but “ how to cover up and spread the virus surreptiously” and ceratinly not to  help as to how to trace the source of the Virus but cooperate with international Scientific organizations to trace it. 
We cannot trust the WHO to do the job as it is getting clearer day by day that this organization was suspected to be involved in the “cover up”.  It is like making use of the accomplice to find out the thief!
As Dr.  Jonathan Latham, Director of Bio Sciences Resoures Process said that the Chinese Government has access to samples and information that could prove or disprove the lab origin of the Virus and that the Government should provide access to all the materials in the laboratory for an objective and impartial enquiry into the origin of the Virus.
Dr. Jonathan Latham also alleged that the WHO team which China approved for investigation has reportedly not investigating the other narrative of a Laboratory escape possibility of the Virus.  
Since the previous Corona Virus pandemics SARS 2002-2003 and MERs (2012) both probably came from Bats and could have transmitted to humans via an intermediary animal, the Wuhan wet market was conveniently used as the source though there is no evidence so far of the Virus having originated from that market.
More and more evidence are forthcoming  to show that the Virus though attributed to the bats in the Wuhan wet market, had actually come/leaked  from the Wuhan Laboratory.
As early as May 3rd, US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo declared that “enormous evidence” exists of the possibility of the Virus having originated from a Laboratory in China.
Dr. Li Meng Yan, who was a doctoral fellow in Virology and Immunology in the Hongkong School of Public Health said that the Corona Virus was developed in a Government Laboratory in Wuhan and that the WHO is very much a part of the cover up.  She said that the mention of the Wuhan wet Market was a smokescreen.  She claimed that she was in Wuhan to investigate a pneumonia outbreak and stumbled upon the in formation about the deadly Virus.
Four PhD scholars including Dr Men Yan( the others are Shu Kang, Jie Guan and Shan Chang Hu) have published a report giving an alternate narrative to the origin of the Virus as man made( meaning modified by researchers) Virus variation.  The article is titled “Unusual Features of the Sars Cov. 2 Genomes suggesting sophisticated Lab modification rather than evolution and delineation of its probable synthetic route.
The 26 page report says-
Sars Cov 2 shows biological characteristics that are inconsistent with a naturally occurring Zoonotic virus.
The report further describes a gnomic structural, medical and literature evidence which considered together strongly contradicts a natural origin theory.  The evidence shows that SARS Cov.2 should be a Lab product created by using bat Corona Viruses ZC45 and ZXC21 as a template and that a lab induced variety can be created within six month.
The Virus thus produced may have accidentally leaked as the Wuhan Virological Research Lab is notorious for not adhering to strict safety standards although it is declared to be of P4 status.
Dr. Giuseppe Tritto an internationally known expert in bio technology and Nano technology in his book on China- Covid 19 believes that the CCP is behind the spread of the Wuhan Corona Virus 19.
Dr. Shi Zheng Li who is still living in China has forcefully ruled out the possibility of the Corona Virus escaping from the Laboratory.  We can only sympathise with an outstanding Scientist like her as she cannot but mouth the official stand of the CCP.  
One should recall the fate of the Real Estate Tycoon Ren Zhiqiang who has been sentenced to 18 years in jail.  His fault was in criticising the Government in handling  the Coronal virus in an Essay in which he referred to  “the clown stripped naked who still wants to be an Emperor”.  Though this refers to Xi Jinping but not named, Ren Zhiqiang who had very close connections within the party had to pay a heavy price for his indiscretion!
In China offering to cooperate and join other countries to find the source of the Wuhan Virus, I am reminded of a Turkish proverb. An axe that is responsible for denuding the forests claimed solidarity with the forest as it had a ‘wooden handle’.
I recall another saying of blog by Gajalakshmi Paramasivam who said - I quote Once we are true to ourselves - Truth does the rest”.  But will Xi Jining and his CCP come out with the truth ever about the pandemic that has led to immense  loss of a million lives and we are still counting?

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